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Fotjuice destruction lock

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Fotjuice destruction lock Empty Fotjuice destruction lock

Post  Fotjuice Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:44 pm

About You

- Your 'Real' Name: Johan
- Age:28
- Nationality:Swedish
- Occupation: unemployed atm
- If you like, tell us a little bit about yourself: I have played since closed beta, after release of the full game i have was playing roge end game and fighting for server first on mc/bwl, but memento mori beat us =/
When Bc was released i moved to a new appartment and lost my internetconnection for about one year. was promised a 100/100 fiber connection in a matter of 2 months but everything got delayed.
Just before lich king was released i got my new internetconnection but my character was pushed back to the stoneage, i had no chanse playing with my old mates that was progressing sunwell since my gear was outdated.
By then i had a pretty hard job, was working day and night and i had no time for progress raiding 5days a week so me and a few non raiding friends moved to silvermoon to get rid of the anoying world pvp.
When lich king was released i played a while in Pax Vobiscum but that guild was short lived, lots of arguing and catfights so most of the members left and the guild got expanded.
Then i tryed play with Sanctuary, that was going just fine untill they changed guild and raid leading to an angry russian guy that constantly was swearing and cursing ppl for minor flaws, i left that one since i got tired of all the fuzz on vent. That was about when ulduar was released and i allmost gave up. The key thing about playing is to have fun and enjoy raiding, not being costatnly monitored and afraid of doing a slightly misstake and get judged and kicked. So i went totaly cashual and did some raiding just for fun, im missing lots of achivements due my unlucky way with guilds.
My old mates on shattered hand is still playing for eu first achivements on their raids, but i have decided to go for a more cashual and friendly way, im no longer interested in playing raids every day to beat the rest of the world "of warcraft"

About Your Character

- Character Name:Fotjuice
- Server:Silvermoon
- Class/Spec:Warlock /destruction
- Dual Spec:destruction/affliction
- Professions (skill):Tailoring/enchanting 450
- Armory Link:

About Your Computer

- Tech Specs:Core2 duo E6550 2.33@3.33 4gb 1066DDR2
- Microphone/Headset:Steel series Siberia
- Vent (3.0) Installed? Yes/No Yes
- Net Connection (mbs):ISP Alltele 100/100 fiber

Your Experience

- Pre TBC:We got stuck on the four horsemen and some of our key members was going on military duty (Conscription?)

- TBC:Not much realy, 12 mounths without any connection, casual and on my rogue.


- ICC10: (??/12) 6/7
- ICC25:(??/12) 3/7
- TOTC10: ( ?/5) 5/5
- TOTC25: ( ?/5) 5/5
- TOTGC10 (Heroic): ( ?/5) none
- TOTGC25 (Heroic): ( ?/5) none
- Ulduar10 (HM): (??/14) none
- Ulduar25 (HM): (??/14) none

- What is your current /played in total and at level 80? 125 days 12 hours in total 82days 15hours at lvl80 This character is made someting in mid bc.
- Who is your current Guild? Encausa morbi, this guild is owned by me and some of my irl friends, none raiding guild, everyone plays cashual or leveling alts.

Your Motivation:
I have allwas prefered raiding, i like progress, but that´s not gonna happend if i cant find a working guild.

- Why do you want to leave your current Guild? allready answered
- Who do you know in Starlight? noone
- Why do you want to join Starlight & Expectations? Im in searh of a raiding guild that have it´s goal aimed on progress, and with no fuzz.
im expecting that the rest of the players in this guild are doing their best while raiding and enjoy raiding.
I have been looking on a few guilds and made a few chats with gm´s about free spots, but most raidingguilds on this realm are full on warlocks and im not interested in a guild that still makes progress
in totc10.


- During your child hood what was your favorite comic character? Homer simpson
- What do you think about Greek People? the ones with 12 jackets? -20 celsius aint cold!
- Anything else we need to know? naah, Swedish chef might got some secrets for you =)


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Fotjuice destruction lock Empty Re: Fotjuice destruction lock

Post  Chopz Thu Jan 21, 2010 4:45 am

Hey Johan,

Unfortunatly your gear doesnt really match your experience, we are looking for 1 very impressive Warlock whom has some basic experience and alot of talent and one that can raid 3 times a week without fail.

You seem like a nice guy but i dont think you have the experience to keep up with our current Warlocks, on a side note i expect alot from a raiding warlock.

Thanks for your apply.
Cyber Police
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Fotjuice destruction lock Empty Re: Fotjuice destruction lock

Post  Chopz Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:39 am

Hey Fotjuice,

Contact me ingame if you can raid 3 times a week.

Cyber Police
Cyber Police

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