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lock apply

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lock apply Empty lock apply

Post  demonkee Fri May 14, 2010 2:51 am

---- You as a person ----

Name: Alexandru
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Nationality: Romanian

---- Your character ----

Character name: Simplemind
Realm: Twisting-nether
Race: Human
Class: Warlock
Talent spec: Demonology mainly for the great buff that it gives but i use affliction for the most damage output. But i must say that im used to play both specs. So if you need a demo/aflic lock, i would be glad to take up that spot.
Armory link:


Glyph of life ( boosts sp equal to the 20% of the spirit i have) - glyph of haunt (improved dmg granted by haunt) - glyph of quick decay ( more corruption ticks more dmg done ) those are for affliction spec - about demo spec , Felguard glyph ( +20% attack power on felguard that means more dmg for me too) - quick decay again because more corruption ticks give more molten core stacks so more dmg for me as i cast incinerate faster and does more dmg and it boosts soulfire too after 35% where i spamm it - life tap again because as much sp i got results for more sp for the raid with demonic pact and more dmg from me too

Profession 1 (+ skill): Jewel Crafting 450
Profession 2 (+ skill):Tailoring 450
*Secondary profesions : cooking and fishing 450(skill) all cooking recieps learned.

Tell us a little about yourself. What do you do for a living, what are your hobbies besides WoW?
Well, in this moment im a teacher for children with special needs and this type of work permit me to enjoy of alot free time and therefor i have time to play WoW around 6-8 hours per day when needed.
I started playing wow since the begining of it,over 5 years ago and my pve experience goes like this:
Onyxia's Lair –Yes(cleared)
Molten Core – yes.(cleared)
Blackwing Lair –yes(cleared)
Zul'Gurub -Yes(cleared)
Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj - yes but not all bosses

Karazhan - yes(cleared)
Gruul's Lair – yes(cleared)
Magtheridon's Lair – yes(cleared)
Zul'aman – yes(cleared-even time event)

Naxxramas- cleared
OS 10/25 cleared - with all drakes up on 25
EoE 10/25 Cleared
Ulduar 10/25 - cleared(all HM 25 man cleared+ algalon)
ToC 10/25 cleared
ToGC 10/25 -insanity achevment 10/ 49 tries left on 25 when i downed anub)
ICC 10/25 Normal -11/12
ICC 10/25 HC - Here i want to say that i had a 3 months break because i had some serious issues in my real life and for that i was forced to quit WoW but i know every single tactic in heroic mode for all ICC bosses and the gear i have at the moment im sure it can sustain a good damage even for heroic modes.

What other guild(s) have you been in?
I've been in Nightwatchers on Twisting Nether.Reason for leaving my curent guild is mentioned above in this apply.

Why do you want to join Starlight?
I want a steady progression guild with social people. I also want to play with people that know what they are doing, and is very skilled. And i also see myself as a skilled wow player and that i am the kind of person you are looking for. The goal i've always had in my mind is to clear every single instances,thing that ive done all the time. But have been stopped because real life issues.
Raid attendence:
I can raid everyday if needed from 17:00 to 01.00.(more if its a progress raid day)
My raid atendance is my previous guild was 98% meaning i misses 2 raid in all my raiding with Nightwatchers(never been benched since day 1)

Can you handle criticism?
I would love if someone could tell me what to do better and i always see that as positive things. But ofc everyone can make a mistake, but as long as you learn from you'r mistakes i dont see such things as a problem. Im also a fast learner so learning new tactics for certain bosses where you do it different will be no problem for me.

Computer & Connections
Teq features:
Tip procesor: Intel®️ CoreTM2 Duo
Model procesor: T6500
Tehnologie procesor: 45 nm
Frecvency procesor: 2100 MHz
FSB: 800 MHz
Cache: 2048 KB
Manufacter: intel

To sum it up:
I have a large experience in all WoW history normal mode and hard mode.
I could do this apply later when ive been pugged atlest the 10 man heroic ICC but i want to be faire with all of you and gief you my raw status at this point.Im 100% that i can be one of the best warlocks you ever had in the guild and make no mistakes in raids.

Small things i want to add:
I know things are happening for a reason in life and im sory that i quited wow and for that my apply lack some new content experience but im sure my skills and profesionalism can cover that in no time.
P.S.:sorry for my grammar mistakes and best of luck in downing LK 25 HM(hope ill be there when that will happen).


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lock apply Empty changes

Post  demonkee Fri May 14, 2010 2:53 am

name changed to demonkeeper since otherone was taken on this realm


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lock apply Empty Re: lock apply

Post  pyren Sun May 16, 2010 12:35 pm

Hello Simplemind,

Would have been easier if you just could have used our provided application template instead of a mixed copy paste from some other guild.
I'm afraid I will have to decline your application for the reason that your current experience and gearing does not live up to what we'd be looking for.

Best of luck on your search for a raiding guild,


Posts : 305
NERD Points : 366
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 3
Join date : 2009-10-23
Age : 53
Location : Netherlands

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