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Williamson - Affliction/destruction

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Williamson - Affliction/destruction Empty Williamson - Affliction/destruction

Post  williamson Mon Sep 20, 2010 5:18 pm

About You

- Your 'Real' Name: William
- Age: 24
- Gender: Male
- Nationality: UK/Argentina
- Location: Winchester, UK
- Occupation: Work for Lloyd's Bank
- Tell us a little bit about yourself:
I graduated from university with a degree in Sports and Exercise Science in 2008 and became a personal trainer for a couple of years, whilst studying a Masters. My career has just taken a huge turn by me taking a job with Lloyds Bank by a friend’s recommendation. I was looking for a longer term jobs with better career prospects, hence banking. My real passions are Bodybuilding and weightlifting, and I am considering entering my first competition next summer. I have been lifting since I was 17 and love reading/watching/listening anything related to bodybuilding/nutrition/power-lifting training, etc. I am a self confessed gym nut. Last summer I took part in the London to Brighton Bike Ride and the London Triathlon in aid of Charity, guiding blind ex-servicemen through both events, something I am proud to say I have done. My girlfriend is a primary school teacher although she is considering finding work in the criminology sector. We have been together 4 and a half years, and are not currently living together due to work circumstances, however we have lived together in the past and plan to do so again in approximately a years time, so WoW keeps me company after my evening at the gym Smile

About Your Character

- Character Name: Williamson
- Server: Silvermoon
- Class: Warlock
- Primary Spec (Main): Affliction
- Dual Spec (Off): Destruction (happy to respec to demonology)
- Professions (skill): Enchanting (450/450) Tailoring (450/450)
- Armory Link:
- Current GearScore: 6044
- What is your current /played in total and at level 80?
Total: 69 days, 16 hours, 51 minutes
Level 80 25 days, 12 hours, 20 minutes.
- Alts: Temüjin level 80 Fury warrior (
- WOW Logs:
None at the moment, I will sort some out asap (next raid)

About Your Computer
I will be buying a new PC in about a month ( and that is it, my spec atm I will post below.
- Computer Technical Specifications: Dual core 1.8 GHz processor, 2 GB RAM, 256 MB video card, suit me ok atm with low visual settings in WoW, but am upgrading asap.
- Microphone/Headset: got one, no probs there
- Vent (3.0) Installed? Yes
- Internet Connection Speed (mbs): about 10 mb/s

Your Raiding Experience

Pre-TBC: MC cleared, then I quit WoW when Blackwing Layer came out, I was away for 4 years until I came back last december after studying a masters.

TBC: None, was away the whole time.


- ICC10: (12/12)
- ICC25: (10/12)

- ICC10 HM (HardMode): (10/12)
- ICC25 HM (HardMode): ashamedly only 1/12

- TOTGC10 (Heroic): (0/5)
- TOTGC25 (Heroic): (0/5)

- Ulduar10 (HardMode): (9/14)
- Ulduar25 (HardMode): (0/14)

Your Motivation

- Who is your current Guild? The expendables, a social guild with a few friends of mine.
- Why do/did you want to leave your current/previous Guild? It is only a social guild and I am not getting end game progress from it, in fact I have not seen in game progress in about 4 months, mostly because I have been quite busy of late and am only just getting into the swing of consistent gameplay again. I was in Sánctuary with Demisamurai, who I felt was an excellent raid leader and we did very well at progress while I was there, however we only raided 10 man content, hence my good progress in 10 man Hard Modes and near completion of Glory of the Icecrown Raider, but poor 25 man progress. I still keep my alts in Sánctuary, however after some players left due to the lack of 25 man raiding, the raiding team fell apart, and I received a job offer at the same time, therefore I was not really able to raid on a regular basis any longer either. I left Sánctuary with my main to join Active Gaming, where one of my friends was a guild officer, in the hope of getting some more ICC 25 man progress, but I was dissappointed with the quality of some of the players, and after some arguing between the officers in the guild due to their RL circumstances which led to the best players leaving and the raid team being incomplete by 7 or 8 players, and PUGs being brought in to raid, I left as the raiding quality dropped dramatically, and I joined my current guild just to be with active friends in WoW, but I am frustrated by the lack of raiding and progress.
- Who do you know in Starlight? I have raided with Darkballz a long time ago, back when he was in Sánctuary, although I'd be surprised if he remembers as he wasn't there long before he moved over to you guys to progress 25 man, he was very helpful to Sánctuary and gave us a lot of tips in 10 man raiding (he had completed [Glory of the Icecrown Raider] before even joining Sánctuary). I have also joined Anilala's GDKP runs back when he was running them with his alt in ICC25 man, this was with my warrior Temüjin, although I have to say these were very quick and well run raids, and we only killed 10/12 bosses both times before he also joined you, although I felt that that group was capable of going a lot further within ICC.
- Why do you want to join Starlight & Expectations?
Your raiding style is very much what I'm used to, highly focused, small friendly niche of quality players who have ideas to add to the raid. Your raiding timetable is also very suitable for me which is of course very important as I wish to have a 100% attendance record. I love the fact that you raid 3 times a week, which is of course easier to stick to than most of the hardcore raiding guilds out there. I have also heard very good things about Chopz, the guild leader from Demisamurai, and it takes a lot for Demi to admit that someone in WoW is a good player and a good guy, it took long enough for me to earn his respect Wink But I eventually became the top damage dealer in Sánctuary, above even Demi himself, that was the night he told me I was one of the core group, lol, is it sad I still remember that? Razz I know he has now quit, but I am able to contact him and I would hope that he would be willing to vouch for my quality and focus as a raider on this forum. If my application depended on it, then I'm sure he would help. So all in all I have heard a lot of good things about the guild, I think I can bring an excellent focused raider and player to the guild, with a good sense of humor and relaxed enough to take plenty of wipes and critiscism (preferably constructive), I believe I would suit the guild as much as you would suit me Smile

- During your childhood, What was your favorite comic character? Hmmmm, I wasn't really into comics tbh... I had a couple of superman ones tho, so I guess that would be it... Although, If I had some time to think about it I'm sure I would be able to come up with something a little more constructive. I look a teensy weensy bit like the Hulk, and its my nickname at work, so I will go with him actually Razz
- What do you think about BLACK People? A person is a person... Black, white, asian, indian, all the same, I'm a half Argentine, half English Italian descendant with bits of French and Greek in me, so yeah, I'm all for diversity.
- Anything else we need to know?
I will run around IF with my virtual underwear over my head screaming I LOVE POTATO SALAD!!! if you accept me, then again, you might not want me after that Razz All I can say is I know my progress isnt ideal by any means but I am a very quick learner and an excellent focused raider, and please gimme a try, you can only gain a great raider, and if not, just gimme a big boot up the behind with hopefully some constructive critiscism on the foot imprint you leave on my locks ass Smile

Oh, here are some links to pictures of my UI as an affliction lock:


Posts : 15
NERD Points : 37
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 0
Join date : 2010-09-20

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Williamson - Affliction/destruction Empty Re: Williamson - Affliction/destruction

Post  Suki Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:13 am

Looks very good thumbs up for me there is low hm experience but as dps it doesnt matter much.

I just have 1 question destro isnt the best dps specc why dont u play affli or demo ?

Rest of gemming and enchants looks very good.

Salute Suki

Posts : 61
NERD Points : 66
Rep with Sam's Chicken : -1
Join date : 2010-03-09
Age : 43
Location : Gnomeregan

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Williamson - Affliction/destruction Empty I do play affliction :D

Post  williamson Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:10 am

Hi Suki, I do play affliction, I have recently respecced so am smoothing out the kinks in my affliction rotation, but doing ok, the screenies I posted were affliction UI posts, and if u notice I did almost 13k DPS on saurfang (although normal) and 11.5k DPS approximately on rotface normal. I am also in the middle of respeccing for demonology as second spec instead of destruction, so if u look at my armory now you will only see affliction as I wont be talenting until tonight. off to work now. I'm happy to answer any other questions. Thanks for the positive comment Smile


Posts : 15
NERD Points : 37
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 0
Join date : 2010-09-20

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Williamson - Affliction/destruction Empty Re: Williamson - Affliction/destruction

Post  Chopz Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:37 am

Hey Will,

Very interesting application, the only thing I think it lacks its some experience in a high end raiding guild where you was actualy under pressure to perform for your position?

williamson wrote:I have also heard very good things about Chopz, the guild leader from Demisamurai, and it takes a lot for Demi to admit that someone in WoW is a good player and a good guy, it took long enough for me to earn his respect Wink But I eventually became the top damage dealer in Sánctuary, above even Demi himself.

Demi is a good guy, I like him, not everyone likes him but I guess not everyone likes me either but you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette.

Top dps dealer! hey? just remember encounters are all circumstantial and top dps of a lower progress guild could be bottom of a higher end guild so keep that in perspective. Beating demi on dps shouldnt be too hard =P

Looking forward to Cata we will be looking for competent/talented people who are quick learners, willing to try new things and have high raid awareness and can play all specs.

As im not the expert on Warlocks I will leave the application up to Suki, Cata is 6 weeks away so there isnt much time left for you to decide your personal goals and aims for the new content and which guild would suit you best.

P.S. Why did Demi quit and is he back for Cata?


Cyber Police
Cyber Police

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Join date : 2009-10-07
Age : 38
Location : London

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Williamson - Affliction/destruction Empty Re: Williamson - Affliction/destruction

Post  Suki Tue Sep 21, 2010 7:21 am

As i stated in my above post u look very good and if u are a quick learner 11/12 HC is a joke atm so if u adapt good and show up for raids u got my vote.

Most important thing is dont die and perform very good and u will be alright Smile And yes do take a demo specc as 2nd option this will bring raid buff and it is well better as destruction in dps.

Salute Suki

Posts : 61
NERD Points : 66
Rep with Sam's Chicken : -1
Join date : 2010-03-09
Age : 43
Location : Gnomeregan

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Williamson - Affliction/destruction Empty respec

Post  williamson Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:30 pm

I'm logging on and building the spec now.


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Join date : 2010-09-20

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Williamson - Affliction/destruction Empty Re: Williamson - Affliction/destruction

Post  williamson Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:44 pm

Chopz wrote:Hey Will,

Very interesting application, the only thing I think it lacks its some experience in a high end raiding guild where you was actualy under pressure to perform for your position?

williamson wrote:I have also heard very good things about Chopz, the guild leader from Demisamurai, and it takes a lot for Demi to admit that someone in WoW is a good player and a good guy, it took long enough for me to earn his respect Wink But I eventually became the top damage dealer in Sánctuary, above even Demi himself.

Demi is a good guy, I like him, not everyone likes him but I guess not everyone likes me either but you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette.

Top dps dealer! hey? just remember encounters are all circumstantial and top dps of a lower progress guild could be bottom of a higher end guild so keep that in perspective. Beating demi on dps shouldnt be too hard =P

Looking forward to Cata we will be looking for competent/talented people who are quick learners, willing to try new things and have high raid awareness and can play all specs.

As im not the expert on Warlocks I will leave the application up to Suki, Cata is 6 weeks away so there isnt much time left for you to decide your personal goals and aims for the new content and which guild would suit you best.

P.S. Why did Demi quit and is he back for Cata?


Hey Chopz,
I am by no means expecting to beat anyone in Starlight on DPS... At least not to begin with Wink I am definitely happy to join you guys asap as I am all for trying to get as much progress as possible even before cataclysm, as long as you'll have me along of course. I understand that there will be a learning curve for me, but hopefully it will be a quick one.

To be honest I think Demi just got fed up of not being able to raid consistently, his job meant he could not join a serious guild, and when our raid group fell apart he kinda lost interest. I hope he will be back at some point as he is a good guy, he ran some very fast paced and well focused 10 and 25 man raids, and playing with him almost always meant progress was achieved.

Anyways, let me know if you want anything else from me, PS I'm logging on and 2nd speccing for demonology now.


Posts : 15
NERD Points : 37
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 0
Join date : 2010-09-20

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Williamson - Affliction/destruction Empty Demonology sorted

Post  williamson Wed Sep 22, 2010 1:55 pm

Ok I am now fully respeced and set up to play demonology/affliction. I would love to hear from you guys as to when you think I can join, from my understanding you are happy to have me along. Please let me know. Thanks,



Posts : 15
NERD Points : 37
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 0
Join date : 2010-09-20

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