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Axra - Demon Lock

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Axra - Demon Lock Empty Axra - Demon Lock

Post  Axra Wed Jul 21, 2010 5:21 am

About You

- Your 'Real' Name: John
- Age:22
- Nationality: Romania
- Location: Bucuresti
- Occupation: Car Driver
- Tell us a little bit about yourself: Well , My name is John , Im from Romania , Bucharest City , im working on Grant Taxi as Car Driver , i have a girlfriend for 3 years and looking for more years togheder , and im playing wow for fun and for relax. I can raid 5-6 days/ week from 20;00 to 01:00.

About Your Character

- Character Name: Axra
- Server: Silvermoon
- Class: Warlock
- Primary Spec (Main): Demon
- Dual Spec (Off): Aff
- Professions (skill): - - - - - -
- Armory Link:
- Current GearScore: 6004
- What is your current /played in total and at level 80? - Overall - 55 days , 23 h, 16 m , and at lvl 80 - 49 days, 9h, 22min
- Alts: Yea , Spacetotem (Auchidoun Server), Vyxre (Silvermoon)

About Your Computer

- Computer Technical Specifications: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q8400 @ 2.66GHz 2.67 GHz , 8gb Ram , Video Slot : Leadtek GTS 250 , 1024 DDR , 256 Bit
- Microphone/Headset: Ofc
- Vent (3.0) Installed? Yes/No - yes
- Internet Connection Speed (mbs): 100mbs

Your Raiding Experience

Pre-TBC : All Clear

TBC: All Clear except Ilidan


- ICC10: (12/12)
- ICC25: (11/12)

- ICC10 HM (HardMode): (9/12)
- ICC25 HM (HardMode): (7/12)

- TOTGC10 (Heroic): (0/5)
- TOTGC25 (Heroic): (0/5)
I had to stop to play wow for 1 year so i missed Toc and Ulduar period Smile
- Ulduar10 (HardMode): (0/14)
- Ulduar25 (HardMode): (0/14)

Your Motivation

- Who is your current Guild?
- Why do/did you want to leave your current/previous Guild?
Low progress and they raiding only 10 man raids
- Who do you know in Starlight?
I dont know any.
- Why do you want to join Starlight & Expectations?
As u read above i am an old school raider and i am always trying to do my best while in a raid. I love raiding and Starlight is one of the best guilds in Silvermoon as you are raiding end content and doing hard modes. I know my icc experience is a bit shit since i was unlucky with some guilds

- During your childhood, What was your favorite comic character? Scooby Doo
- What do you think about BLACK People? Cool guys and most of them are so funny
- Anything else we need to know?

I have some notice about my gear, its good for icc25 hc but i know some item is a bit low like trinkets (Healing Trinkets )..... i have this trinkets because i had bad luck on roll or on drop...


Posts : 1
NERD Points : 3
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 0
Join date : 2010-07-21

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Axra - Demon Lock Empty Re: Axra - Demon Lock

Post  Chopz Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:05 am

Hey Axra,

Sorry for any delays, after discussion with the other officers we have decided to decline your application due to lack of experience.

Best wishes and good luck finding a new guild! =]

Many Thanks,
Cyber Police
Cyber Police

Posts : 916
NERD Points : 1643
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 14
Join date : 2009-10-07
Age : 38
Location : London

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