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[X-Realm][Faction Change] Lazarus, warlock application

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[X-Realm][Faction Change] Lazarus, warlock application Empty [X-Realm][Faction Change] Lazarus, warlock application

Post  Lazarus Tue May 18, 2010 2:34 pm

About You

- Your 'Real' Name: Darko
- Age: 23
- Nationality: Croatian
- Location: Osijek
- Occupation: Unemployed/Part time student.
- Tell us a little bit about yourself:

Usually very calm person, but also have a short fuse for blatant assholeisms (seen a few in my time). Currently unemployed and gettin a degree in electronics. I play guitar for almost 15 years now, usually jamming with my friends (blues, rock etc). My friends tell me i'm an alcoholic but i don't belive them. Smile

About Your Character

- Character Name: Lazarus, transfered Frka
- Server: Zenedar EU
- Class: Warlock
- Primary Spec (Main): Affliction
- Dual Spec (Off): atm destro
- Professions (skill): Tailoring (got all toc and icc recipes)/Enchnating
- Armory Link: <--- not updated yet.
- Current GearScore: 5946
- What is your current /played in total and at level 80? 30days
- Alts: on Silvermoon none. a few lowbies on Zenedar but don't have time for them.

About Your Computer

- Computer Technical Specifications: AMD Atholn x2 4000+, 3gb ram, NV GTS250 1gb...
- Microphone/Headset: Sennheiser hedset dunno model
- Vent (3.0) Installed? Ofc.
- Internet Connection Speed (mbs): T-Com 4M/256k

Your Raiding Experience

Pre-TBC: MC, Ony, BWL, some aq40 and naxx
TBC: Kara, Grull, Maggy,some TK,some MH, some BT
Hope i didn't forget something Sad


- ICC10: 12/12
- ICC25: 11/12 with atleast 100 tryes on LK (gotta count for something Razz)
- ICC10 HM (HardMode): 6/12
- ICC25 HM (HardMode): 0/12
- TOTGC10 (Heroic): (4/5)
- TOTGC25 (Heroic): (4/5) Sad
- Ulduar10 (HardMode): started playing again when ToC come out didn't do much of Uld maybe a few bosses
- Ulduar25 (HardMode):

Your Motivation

- Who is your current Guild?

My now former guild was Chaotic Dreams on Zenedar. I joined them in December last year and started to do ToGC. We did most of instances with more or less succes, but whats more important we had fun. As all of the semi casual guilds we had our share of problems thus rendering our progress less then satisfactory to some players, and they decided to leave us. We had to change our core team a few times, i counted atleast 20 players leaving from december last year till april. When we finaly decided to call it. Now most of the old mates play in top guilds on Zenedar which unfortunately have unacceptable raid times for me.

Bringing us to why i moved to Silvermoon. A couple of my IRL freinds are playing here and i wanted to have a change of scenery if you wish. And they were such a pain in the arse i caughted up 45Euros and transfered here. Oh btw did i mention i was horde on Zenedar. Smile

- Why do/did you want to leave your current/previous Guild? I belive i answered that question up above.
- Who do you know in Starlight? Unfortunatley no one.
- Why do you want to join Starlight & Expectations? Most of the guilds back on my old server had raid times from 19:30-20. Which for me is not a good time. I'm usually out till evening. Thats the main reason. Second is since i don't have a clue whos who on this server my friend recommended you to me.


- During your childhood, What was your favorite comic character? Bein a guitar player since donkeys years i didn't have time to read much comics but one which comes to mind was Alan Ford. Very Happy
- What do you think about Greek People? My old GM was Greek and a few of my old guildies. And its hilarious to see huffs of steam coming from their ears when i mention Macedonia. Very Happy
- Anything else we need to know? Hope you'll give me some time to adjust, i still get lost in ironforge Sad

Here are the last logs from our raids back in april.

P.S. My english isn't what it use to be. Forgive my grammar. Smile


Posts : 2
NERD Points : 4
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 0
Join date : 2010-05-18

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[X-Realm][Faction Change] Lazarus, warlock application Empty Re: [X-Realm][Faction Change] Lazarus, warlock application

Post  pyren Tue May 18, 2010 3:43 pm

Hello Lazarus,

Please poke me in game for a chat on vent?

Best regards,


Posts : 305
NERD Points : 366
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 3
Join date : 2009-10-23
Age : 53
Location : Netherlands

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[X-Realm][Faction Change] Lazarus, warlock application Empty Re: [X-Realm][Faction Change] Lazarus, warlock application

Post  Lazarus Wed May 19, 2010 5:02 am

Shure. I'll poke you when i see you online.


Posts : 2
NERD Points : 4
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 0
Join date : 2010-05-18

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[X-Realm][Faction Change] Lazarus, warlock application Empty Re: [X-Realm][Faction Change] Lazarus, warlock application

Post  pyren Wed May 19, 2010 1:03 pm

Good luck on your trial.

Posts : 305
NERD Points : 366
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 3
Join date : 2009-10-23
Age : 53
Location : Netherlands

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