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Warlock x-realm

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Warlock x-realm Empty Warlock x-realm

Post  Valimir Wed Jun 02, 2010 1:03 pm

About You

- Your 'Real' Name: Lee
- Age: 30
- Nationality: British
- Location: London
- Occupation: social research
- Tell us a little bit about yourself: Well I started playing WoW after finishing up at uni where I was a postgraduate - I waited because I knew this game would take up huge chunks of my time like Champ Man and Pro Evo Soccer did before that. Since I got to max level (70 at the time) I've been a raider and loved it, it's the reason I play at all. Outside of WoW I play guitar and love my Rickenbacker 330 to the extent my wife gets pretty jealous. I read a lot, mainly classic Russian literature but also more modern stuff like Bulgakov and I recently got into John Updike. I only watch a few TV shows like The Wire and I loved Battlestar Galactica and keep trying to spread the word about it.

About Your Character

- Character Name: Valimir
- Server: Aggramar
- Class: Warlock
- Primary Spec (Main): Demonology
- Dual Spec (Off): Affliction
- Professions (skill): Tailor/Enchant both 450
- Armory Link:
- Current GearScore: No idea, I've never used it. My gear is pretty good though.
- What is your current /played in total and at level 80? 74 days
- Alts: Alyosha (prot pally)

About Your Computer

- Computer Technical Specifications: 4GB RAM, Intel Dual Core, Nvidia GEFORCE 9600M GS (512MB)
- Microphone/Headset: Yes, both, I'm not shy of talking either
- Vent (3.0) Installed? Yes
- Internet Connection Speed (mbs): 10MB

Your Raiding Experience

Pre-TBC: didn't play

TBC: T4 cleared, 3/4 SSC, 4/5 TK, 4/5 MH, 6/9 BT


- ICC10: (12/12)
- ICC25: (11/12)

- ICC10 HM (HardMode): (8/12)
- ICC25 HM (HardMode): (0/12)

- TOTGC10 (Heroic): (5/5)
- TOTGC25 (Heroic): (2/5)

- Ulduar10 (HardMode): (??/14)
- Ulduar25 (HardMode): (??/14) With both of these, I did some in T8 gear and some later, I can't remember how many and when so I'll leave it for now. I did clear Uld 25 in level-appropriate gear though not any of the "harder" hard modes such as Mimiron, Freya or Yogg+XXX.

Your Motivation

- Who is your current Guild? was Extinction
- Why do/did you want to leave your current/previous Guild? I felt that I needed to leave in order to achieve my aims for Wrath which is to clear the hardest content in the game. Aggramar in general is a poor raiding server and Extinction found it difficult to build and retain a core of 20+ good players who were motivated to go for the big kills. After so long trying to make it work I decided I had to be a little selfish and look for something that would challenge me and push me on.
- Who do you know in Starlight? Nobody
- Why do you want to join Starlight & Expectations? I want to join because you raid on a casual timescale but have hardcore expectations which is what I've always wanted. I think that if you have 25 people who are committed to the same goal and will put in a little effort out of game in learning fights then you can expect solid progress at a good rate. On a personal level I expect to make myself available for all raids and to perform to the highest demands of not only my class but all caster DPS. I realise my gear is avergaing around i264 but I would still expect of myself to perform at a similar level to your better geared players and would not hide behind "lack of gear" for my performance. Other than that, I would expect to fulfill any role in a raid assigned to me, I can swallow my epeen and happily spend an encounter on add duty if that's what is needed. I'm comfortable in any spec though prefer aff or demo as they are a tad more complex than destro and both are better DPS - I would only expect to use destor if you needed an extra stun or slow on something like heroic Saurfang.


- During your childhood, What was your favorite comic character? Roger the Dodger
- What do you think about Greek People? They seem OK. If it's worth anything, I thought the Greek entry for Eurovision deserved to win Smile
- Anything else we need to know? I think I've covered most things. I'd like to stress that I'm applying because I want to see more of the endgame nothing else. I don't expect an easy ride or easy loot, I would work for my raid spot and my goal if I made it to trial would be to play so well that you don't think you can leave me out of your progress nights. I'm also willing to play either an out an our DPS spec or Demo for raid buffs. I have a good power auras set-up so I find demo is not much of a personal DPS loss. If you want to chat more on vent or in game then let me know, I can make an alt on Silvermoon if ncessary.



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Warlock x-realm Empty Re: Warlock x-realm

Post  Bluewidow Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:07 am

ur armory:

you need to reg to be able to link urls!!!


Posts : 70
NERD Points : 93
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 0
Join date : 2009-12-09

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Warlock x-realm Empty Re: Warlock x-realm

Post  Valimir Thu Jun 03, 2010 11:41 am

Apologies for failing to link my armory. Additionally, I've also found out my Gear Score is 6060 though I got it from


Posts : 2
NERD Points : 2
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 0
Join date : 2010-06-03

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Warlock x-realm Empty Re: Warlock x-realm

Post  pyren Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:58 am

Hello Valimir,

We're currently not really in need of a warlock so will have to decline your application for a main raid slot.
Might you be interested in a reserve slot (as 4th warlock) then poke me in game for a chat on Pyren, Ti or Umbra.
Chances are high you do get to raid, since summer season is ongoing.

Best regards,


Posts : 305
NERD Points : 366
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 3
Join date : 2009-10-23
Age : 53
Location : Netherlands

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Warlock x-realm Empty Re: Warlock x-realm

Post  Valimir Fri Jun 11, 2010 8:02 am

Hi, thanks very much for replying and the offer of a reserve slot. I'm afraid I wouldn't be happy as a back-up raider so I will have to turn it down. The only thing I like about WoW is raiding so it would probably just be very frustrating for me to see you guys clearing new bosses without me. Thanks for looking at my application anyway.

If the situation changes for the guild in near future you can poke me on my alt, Alyosha, which is on Silvermoon and I can re-apply.


Posts : 2
NERD Points : 2
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 0
Join date : 2010-06-03

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