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Arcane/Fire mage Idania (X-realm application)

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Arcane/Fire mage Idania (X-realm application) Empty Arcane/Fire mage Idania (X-realm application)

Post  Idania Sat Apr 17, 2010 6:47 am

About You

- Your 'Real' Name: Heidi
- Age: 24
- Nationality: Finnish
- Location: Vantaa, Finland
- Occupation: folkloristics stundent and part time call-center worker
- Tell us a little bit about yourself:

I’m a social and fun-loving person that sometimes has a bit of a weird and dark sense of humor, specially for a woman. I’m also known as “The Shoe-Lady”. I don’t give up easily and am loyal to people who deserve it.

I started playing WoW in the last months of Vanilla and though my history with the game is quite long I have been actively playing only for about a year. The first years I played very casually leaching on my boyfriends account and never hit lvl cap during Vanilla or TBC.

When Lich King was released I took more interested in the game after a longer hiatus and my playing time started to increase so much that my boyfriend was forced to get me my own account so he could have some play time too.

I played from December 2008 to January 2009 quite vigorously and then had a longer hiatus again, I came back to WoW in May 2009 and after that I have played actively without breaks. My main was a troll mage named Heiaqen till summer 2009, I was with her in a few guilds and started running Naxx 10 for a few bosses. Because the guilds that I was in didn’t have much progress and because I wanted to play with my boyfriend I decided to change faction and lvl a draenei mage in Bronzebeard. I dinged 80 in late july 2009 and started my active raiding career.

About Your Character

- Character Name: Idania
- Server: Bronzebeard
- Class: mage
- Primary Spec (Main): Arcane
- Dual Spec (Off spec): Fire

Fire is the spec I have played the most (for some reason throwing greats balls of fire seems more fun to me), but I am very comfortable playing arcane and also the bulk of my raiding experience in ICC is with arcane.

In some fights I do prefer fire over arcane or arcane over fire. For example in Saurfang I play arcane to get the blood beasts down quickly, in PP I prefer fire because the fight has lots of movement and in Sindragosa I also prefer using fire because of the magic debuff that interrupts casting. I’m open to any changes in my spec and if I am asked to play a certain spec only or change some talents that will not be a problem for me.

- Professions (skill): Tailoring (450)/Enchanting(450)
- Armory Link:
- Current GearScore: 5952 (arcane set when the raid has misery/improved fearie fire), 5868 (arcane set with no hit buff), 5847 (fire set when the raid has misery/improved fearie fire), 5983 (fire set with no hit buff)
- What is your current /played in total and at level 80?: 63d 23h/43d 21h
- Alts: Innaria, lvl 80 draenei mage (previously know as troll mage Heiaqen, badly geared and used mostly for random pvp and farming), Tenhi lvl 47 draenei shammy (my neverending project to lvl something else than a mage).

About Your Computer

- Computer Technical Specifications: Intel Core 2 Duo P8400 2.26 Ghz, 4 GB RAM, GeForce 9800m GS 512 MB, Win Vista 64-bit.
- Microphone/Headset: Headset
- Vent (3.0) Installed?: I use Ventrilo with my current guild so the latest version is installed and working.
- Internet Connection Speed (mbs): 10M

Your Raiding Experience

- ICC10: (12/12)
- ICC25: (9/12)

- ICC10 HM (HardMode): (4/12)
- ICC25 HM (HardMode): (-/12)

- TOTGC10 (Heroic): (5/5)
- TOTGC25 (Heroic): (-/5)

- Ulduar10 (HardMode): (10/14)
- Ulduar25 (HardMode): (4/14)

I have cleared Naxx on 25 but not on 10 and the bulk of my raiding experience comes from Ulduar, ToC and ICC. I don’t have any pre-WOTLK raiding experience but have done a few fun runs to Vanilla and TBC raids as 80. I have downed Ulduar both on 10 and 25 up to Yogg-Saron and have had a few tries on Algalon in 10 man but none of those have yet been succesfull.

In ICC 25 I have cleared the first two quarters plus Dreamwalker Valirithia and the Blood Princes. I have wiped many nights in Blood Queen and Sindragosa but haven’t had success yet.

Your Motivation

As a raider I always give my best and usually attend every raid there is if there isn’t some real-life things (that happens rarely). I sign for farm nights and progression nights and don’t mind wiping on a certain boss over and over again. From experience I can say that getting good loot is fun but it’s even more enjoyable to finally down that boss you have been wiping for ages.

In raids being highest on dps isn’t my main goal if that isn’t what benefits the raid the most. As a mage I also try to decurse, sheep and interrupt when it is needed, it might lower my dps but if it’s helps the raid it’s worth it.

I always come to raids with plenty of flasks of the frost wyrm, firecracker salmon and potion of wild magic (I use the double pot trick).

For addons I use Scorchio2 for tracking spells, for raid frames I have Grid and also have the latest version of Deadly Boss Mods and oRA2 enabled.

- Who is your current Guild?

My current guild is Gladius Mortis in Bronzebeard EU.

- Why do/did you want to leave your current/previous Guild?

GM is the first proper guild I have been in and I have made a lot of friends in there. I’m sad to leave the guild but the current progression isn’t as good as it could be and the atmosphere in raids has gotten overly tense and stressfull for the wrong reasons. (It doesn’t help anyone when a raidleader starts to flip out after the first wipe). 25 man and 10 man raids are being cancelled on a regular basis because of lack of sign-ups or the wrong sign-up combination for more challenging fights. There seems to be too much regular raiders that are not interested in progress and don’t bother to gather information about tactics and just plainly too much hassle and horsing around in raids. The 10 progression of the guild is OK but when it comes to 25 man progression something just isn’t right and the guild isn’t able to use the full potential it has.

- Who do you know in Starlight?

Since I will be transferring shortly from a different realm I don’t know anyone from Starlight.

- Why do you want to join Starlight & Expectations?

Starlight seems to be a guild that takes raiding seriously but still has a warm and laidback quality. I’m expecting Starlight to be a guild that knows how to have fun but when the raid starts knows how to shift to a more serious and focused mood. Also the raid times and dates suit me really well.


- During your childhood, What was your favorite comic character?
I have to say that the first comic char I related was Donald Duck but when I got little older (about 10 or so) I started to like Batman a lot.

- What do you think about Greek People?

Hmmm.. I don't really have any special opinion about Greek People, the few that I have met have been really nice and friendly Smile

- Anything else we need to know?

One of the most important things you need to know is that this is a joint application with the resto shammy Harmaa. We come as a package and you can’t have one without the other Wink We have been together for over 7 years and lived under the same room almost five years. We enjoy playing and specially raiding together and we feel that communicating during raids and exchanging thoughts is a positive factor that enhances our teamwork.


Posts : 3
NERD Points : 5
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 0
Join date : 2010-04-17

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Arcane/Fire mage Idania (X-realm application) Empty Re: Arcane/Fire mage Idania (X-realm application)

Post  Captain Hero Sat Apr 17, 2010 12:01 pm

you will love it

if u don´t know it already^^
Captain Hero
Captain Hero

Posts : 23
NERD Points : 43
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 0
Join date : 2009-12-15
Age : 43
Location : Germany/Bochum

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Arcane/Fire mage Idania (X-realm application) Empty Re: Arcane/Fire mage Idania (X-realm application)

Post  pyren Sat Apr 17, 2010 8:02 pm

Hello, Idania, i really like your detailed description of your gear setups, it shows dedication and eye for details which makes a difference.
Poke me in game for a chat?
You can find me on Pyren or Ti.
Do keep in mind though that we are currently having a resto shaman on trial already.

Best regards,


Posts : 305
NERD Points : 366
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 3
Join date : 2009-10-23
Age : 53
Location : Netherlands

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Arcane/Fire mage Idania (X-realm application) Empty Re: Arcane/Fire mage Idania (X-realm application)

Post  Idania Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:40 am

I seem to have some unexpected difficulties with my transfer but will contact you in-game as soon as the transfer is completed.

Also either me or Harmaa (he has transfered allready and can be found on the sever with the name Neraatu) won't take for granted that if the other one get's in the other will follow automatically. Ofc you will evaluate both applications seperately and make decisions based on that, that's what I would do also Smile


Posts : 3
NERD Points : 5
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 0
Join date : 2010-04-17

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Arcane/Fire mage Idania (X-realm application) Empty Re: Arcane/Fire mage Idania (X-realm application)

Post  Idania Sun Apr 18, 2010 4:24 pm

Things on our old guild took a weird (but happy) turn and many of our closest in-game friends will also be joining Silvermoon. Right now we are figuring out ho we are going to form up in this realm and what we will do in the future.

Thank you for your interes but for the time being I have to withdraw my application.


Posts : 3
NERD Points : 5
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 0
Join date : 2010-04-17

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Arcane/Fire mage Idania (X-realm application) Empty Re: Arcane/Fire mage Idania (X-realm application)

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