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Tauss, Arcane mage :>

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Tauss, Arcane mage :> Empty Tauss, Arcane mage :>

Post  Tauss Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:36 am

About You

- Your 'Real' Name:Pieros
- Age:17
- Gender:Male
- Nationality:Cypriot
- Location:Cyprus
- Occupation:Student
- Tell us a little bit about yourself:Well, i love playing football and volleyball, and ofc raiding in WoW. Im social and friendly and 100% dedicated to anything im given to do.

About Your Character

- Character Name:Tauss
- Server:Silvermoon
- Class:Mage
- Primary Spec (Main):Arcane
- Dual Spec (Off):Frost
- Professions (skill):450 Engineering 450 Jewelcrafting
- Armory Link:
- Current GearScore:6042
- What is your current /played in total and at level 80? 110 days, 45 on 80 on this char
- Alts:Partgoza, level 80 resto shaman
- WOW Logs:----

About Your Computer

- Computer Technical Specifications:Well iv got a good pc which can handle any raid above 60 fps easily.
- Microphone/Headset:Logitech
- Vent (3.0) Installed? Yes
- Internet Connection Speed (mbs):4mbps.

Your Raiding Experience


TBC:Mainly cleared everything on different characters.


- ICC10: (12/12)
- ICC25: (12/12)

- ICC10 HM (HardMode): (9/12)
- ICC25 HM (HardMode): (4/12) Sad

- TOTGC10 (Heroic): (0/5) Wasn't playing on mage at this time.
- TOTGC25 (Heroic): (0/5)

- Ulduar10 (HardMode): (0/14)
- Ulduar25 (HardMode): (0/14)

Your Motivation

- Who is your current Guild?I was in Advanced, it disbanded
- Why do/did you want to leave your current/previous Guild?Advanced
- Who do you know in Starlight?Well i have raided with a few members in ICC.
- Why do you want to join Starlight & Expectations?i want to join starlight because its an end content raiding guild, which i want to join for cataclysm and i expect a friendly and social guild, with serious raids.


- During your childhood, What was your favorite comic character?Super Mario!!
- What do you think about BLACK People? Why should i face a person differently from another one because of his color? I have nothing against black people. I behave like i behave with anyone.
- Anything else we need to know?Well i want to assure you that you won't regret giving me a chance. Im a good raider, with good performance and giving 110% of what i have on every raid! 100% attendance with no excuses, with my gear repaired, flasks, and food for self buff. I just need the chance because i know my icc Hardmode XP is low, but i can assure you that i can catch up.. 1 Chance



Posts : 1
NERD Points : 3
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 0
Join date : 2010-10-02

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Tauss, Arcane mage :> Empty Re: Tauss, Arcane mage :>

Post  Chopz Sat Oct 02, 2010 4:43 am

Hi Tauss,

Thanks for the nice apply but unfortunatly you are not up to the levels/standards of what we expect for a mage.

Also your exeperience is slightly lacking and we have no time to teach ppl HM encounters, we are just afte ran experienced players for LK25 HC and Cata.

Thanks for the apply but we will have to decline.

Best Wishes,

Cyber Police
Cyber Police

Posts : 916
NERD Points : 1643
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 14
Join date : 2009-10-07
Age : 38
Location : London

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