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Hutso - Arcane Mage

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Hutso - Arcane Mage Empty Hutso - Arcane Mage

Post  Hutso Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:11 am

- Your 'Real' Name: Matt
- Age:36
- Nationality:English
- Occupation: Sales
- If you like, tell us a little bit about yourself:
i live in the middle of the UK, i hate my job but one good thing about it is i get plenty of time to surf, which also allows me to keep up to date on the latest news and plenty of time to spend of forums xD.

About Your Character

- Character Name:Hutso
- Server:Silvermoon since day 1
- Class/Spec:Arcane Mage duel spec, my 2nd spec is arcane but with canters for extra DPS for hi damage fights like anub
- Dual Spec:yes read above Smile
- Professions (skill): Jewelcrafting / Enchanting both 450 along with fishing, cooking and first aid in case the healorz sux /jk
- Armory Link:

About Your Computer

- Tech Specs: i brought my pc to play wow p4 duel core, im at work so this will be quiet basic info as i'm no pc geek. i was having fps issues so i just briugh the new gfx 1gb greenswood gfx card. i now have gfx on max and only get a slight slowdown on ony whelps rest of the time it runs at around 40-50 fps
- Microphone/Headset: yes both
- Vent (3.0) Installed? Yes
- Net Connection (mbs):broadband, again no idea of the speed but i only lag when the server does i.e patch day

Your Experience

- Pre TBC: none i only started 2 years ago as tbc hit
- TBC:in tbc i managed to raid kara, TK, maggy and grull and the first cple of bosses in MH. unfortunately i didn't get a chance to raid much as it was really hard to get in pugs back in tbc if you didn't have the xp and i wasn't in a raiding guild then.
- WOTLK: wotlk i have cleared nax,maly,os 10 & 25man inc os+3d.
- Ulduar10: (13/14) all HMs done except mim,general and yoggy. my last guild just didn't have the guts for it when kickasspope stopped playing our 10man core group fell apart. whilst i was in converge we also got a server 3rd for FL i think.(would have to check but pretty sure it was.
- Ulduar25: (13/14) also done FL, Ignus, XT, Hodir HM's
- TOTC10: ( 5/5) can clear this in about 30mins got a couple of achievements would like to have them all though
- TOTC25: ( 5/5) Cleared
- TOTGC10 (Heroic): ( 5/5)completed with 36 attempts left, 2 weeks ago i got there with 49 attempts left but our healers kept failing and our RL called it with 36 attempts left. i wasn't happy lol
- TOTGC25 (Heroic): ( 2/5) again my last guild had problems getting players to focus on adds etc and progress was really slow

- What is your current /played in total and at level 80? would have to post this later as i am at work
- Who is your current Guild? None, i quit on Sunday to find more progress

Your Motivation
i want to achieve things, i want to see end game content and achieve things it really is as simple as that. am i imba no but i can perform to my best. i also don't have an ego hence why i don't think i'm imba am i better than most, that would be for you to decided, i would rate myself as a hard working player who is always willing to take on advice and learn more. but also can be trusted to nuke adds rather than being omgwtf look at me I'm top of recount etc etc

- Why do you want to leave your current Guild? read up
- Who do you know in Starlight? i have raided with decibel not sure if he remembers me, also toottoot in early wotlk and in tbc if i remember correctly. chopz t but only from the server and the odd raid.
- Why do you want to join Starlight & Expectations?
i'm looking for a guild which makes the most out of it raid times, a relaxed atmosphere and a place i can call home, something i havnt found since my first guild relocated to a different server


- During your child hood what was your favorite comic character? none really although due to my age starwars and transformers were the in thing!
- What do you think about Greek People? same as i do anyone else. be judged on what you do and how you treat people, not on what you herd or where they are from.
- Anything else we need to know?
only that i am a dedicated player who could do no harm in being in your ranks, do i expect to raid every raid of course not, i just expect my fair share based on my performances.

thanks for reading


p.s pyren asked me to do this last night. although the fact your not recruiting mages is kinda weird anyway have fun xD

Last edited by Hutso on Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:06 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo's)


Posts : 51
NERD Points : 76
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 0
Join date : 2009-12-15
Age : 50
Location : Peterborough

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Hutso - Arcane Mage Empty Re: Hutso - Arcane Mage

Post  Hutso Tue Dec 15, 2009 4:37 am

after reading through the forums this seems like the place i would like to be if guild chat etc is like the fun on the forums, my kind of guild. also if i do manage to make it pencil me in for any uldaur achievement runs. bounce


Posts : 51
NERD Points : 76
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 0
Join date : 2009-12-15
Age : 50
Location : Peterborough

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Hutso - Arcane Mage Empty Re: Hutso - Arcane Mage

Post  Chopz Tue Dec 15, 2009 4:56 am

Hey Hutso,

After some haxxing and rebranding for ICC, it has come to our attention that 2 of our mages can only play on a more casual basis (but are still great players), so last night a 'raiding' spot became avalible for a mage.

Pyren is in charge of recruitment so its job to approach guildless mages and be nosey. =)

You do not seem to have vast experience in the current content and have not really been in a 'decent' raiding guild in your 2 year history on silvermoon (or none that I have heard of).

But, Arcane mages are definitly OP atm and are regularly toping meters so i expect great things from every raiding mage. you should be about to push 8k dps single target with the correct rotations and proccs (raid buffed).

Im sure Pyren will be in contact.

Cyber Police
Cyber Police

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Hutso - Arcane Mage Empty Re: Hutso - Arcane Mage

Post  Hutso Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:16 am

Hey chopz,

thanks for the reply, yes you are right about my guilds not being top raiding guilds, Devious and Converge were neither hardcore nor casual raiding guilds.

although i do beg to differ as regards to current content. i have cleared all i could do with the guilds i was in. i know the fights and have studied them vastly. and bar a few HM's in uldaur and 3 bosses in togc25 there isn't much more current content for me to try. yes my progress my have been slow but current content should still be pretty much covered.

like i said in my application i would of had tribute to mad skill if we had the right raid set up. but thank you for your opinion i will take it on board for the future and i hope my reply will not reflect badly on my application.

after all we all got our place in the food chain Smile


Posts : 51
NERD Points : 76
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 0
Join date : 2009-12-15
Age : 50
Location : Peterborough

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Hutso - Arcane Mage Empty Re: Hutso - Arcane Mage

Post  pyren Thu Dec 17, 2009 1:06 pm

Gl on your trial.

Posts : 305
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Join date : 2009-10-23
Age : 53
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