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Rogue Application

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Rogue Application Empty Rogue Application

Post  Cybold Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:01 am

Hi chaps, first of all thanx for taking the time to read and to consider my application, my real name is Jordy, i live in The Netherlands (Amsterdam to be more precise)
I am a 22 years old guy, that loves World of Warcraft (duh!), besides WoW, i go alot to the gym.. about 4/5 times a week.
At the moment i don't have a job.. that's because of some reallife issues that are still bothering me.. wich is a pain in the ass, but im working hard on that to recover.


At the moment im using a Combat spec for my rogue, that's a 15/51/5 build.
Always been Combat, most of the rogues i know/knew were Mutilate but that just doesn't fit me,
And these days combat is the best spec for PvE in my opinion as well, im also very aware of the abilities that my character has, and how to use them, when and where.

My Guild History:

I came from the server called Hellscream, had a great time there with reallife friends.. but they all left WoW for social reasons and reallife things so i was kind of alone there.
So that's why i transfered to Silvermoon, As soon as i came here i joined Narayan, Wich was such a great guild still find it hard to believe they disbanded.
I have learned alot from them and made some really good friends, with a few i still speak on msn each day. After Narayan i have played alone for a while
just pugging around, After a few months i was so sick and annoyed of pugs.. always ending up in flame wars/disbanding i looked for a new guild and applied for
Anathema, Also had a good time there, but i had to go inactive cause i had a death in the family.. had to be there for my mom and brother.. so didnt had much playing time anymore, so decided to leave so
they could fill up my spot for someone that really wants it.
I just came back after 2 months inactivity, so thats where i am now guidless and looking forward to find a good guild again to have alot of fun.

Progress i made so far:

It's a shame but i missed the raids from vanilla.. Sad my rogue was around lvl 40ish when TBC came out.. ofcourse i did all the old runs later and they looked so
amazingly cool, really dissapointed i missed that part of World of Warcraft.

SSC: Cleared SSC
TK: Cleared Except Kael'Thas my guild on Hellscream wasn't strong enough to kill him.. i loved al'ar tho! best looking boss ingame!
MH: Cleared at lvl 70
BT: Cleared at lvl 70
SWP: Guild wasn't strong enough for SWP , we got the first boss down but didnt came any further

Sarth3D (25 man, pre-Ulduar): Got the bastard down with 3 drakes up, pain in the ass but we got him!
Ulduar 10 hard modes: Haven't done much of them the 10 man teams in Anathema were full already so it was hard to join a stable team
Ulduar 25 hard modes:

Stoking The Furnace

As for raiding i always bring enough flasks/pots/food with me, and i make sure i dont have to go afk as well during raid times.
Also the raid days/time you guys have are too great for me! Couldn't be better.

Extra Information:

What i can offer is, a friendly/mature guy that gives himself for a 110% , always willing to learn and helping the guild out as much as i can.
Always looking up for tactics before a new boss fight or for something i doesn't know that well yet, besides that im a quick learner,
Love to joke around and having fun, but when its need to be i am very serious and focused , and i don't mind helping guildies out with anything that
needs to be done.

I know i might be a little bit undergeared with the most of you, cause i went away for a month of 2, but atm i am doing everything to gear up as fast as possible
to compare myself with the others! my gear score is 4800 at the moment, shouldn't take to long before its 5k

I have Ventrilo installed, and also have a microphone, and im not to shy to talk as well! pirat
Also my Computer is good, never got lag or anything, my internet connection is very stable either!

I hope you guys are willing to give me a chance, would love to start over again with Uberpug, and also i hope to make some good new mates inside the guild ,
but that shouldn't be a problem i think.
Also i want to thank you again to read/consider my application, thanx for youre time and i hope to hear soon from you guys.

Almost forgotten! the Armory link:

I do have a druid as well, (resto) can always help out with my druid as well if needed.

I know making applications isn't my strongest thing... i do hope you guys have enough information about me, if not you can always ask here, or contact me ingame.

Best Regards,



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Rogue Application Empty Re: Rogue Application

Post  Cybold Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:05 am

For some reason my armory link isnt working, cant post links for some reason.. any ideas? sorry for this chaps


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Rogue Application Empty Re: Rogue Application

Post  Cybold Thu Nov 19, 2009 9:03 am

Would like to withdraw my application, sorry for this, gl


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