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Application Empty Application

Post  Envious Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:31 am

About You

- Your 'Real' Name: Jamie
- Age: 19
- Nationality: British
- Occupation: Unemployed untill the new year
- If you like, tell us a little bit about yourself: i recently discharged from the army, i gave myself a couple of weeks to settle down so i can start raiding again, before i went away i was in silence for about 6 or 7 months.

About Your Character

- Character Name: Envious
- Server: Silvermoon
- Class/Spec: Ret Palla
- Dual Spec: Holy
- Professions (skill):Alchemist/Blacksmith
- Armory Link:

About Your Computer

- Tech Specs: 2gig, 9 series nvidea card
- Microphone/Headset: yes, Argos 10 pound special :p
- Vent (3.0) Installed? Yes/No
- Net Connection (mbs): 8meg

Your Experience

- Pre TBC:
- TBC: BT, SSC, Maggy, Gruul, Kara
- Ulduar10: (13/14)
- Ulduar25: (13/14)
- TOTC10: ( 5/5)
- TOTC25: ( 5/5)
- TOTGC10 (Heroic): ( 5/5)
- TOTGC25 (Heroic): ( 1/5)

- What is your current /played in total and at level 80?
Total time played: 80 days, 22 hours, 49 minutes, 19 seconds
Time played this level: 59 days, 20 hours, 33 minutes, 28 seconds
- Who is your current Guild? Escape as a friend

Your Motivation

- Why do you want to leave your current Guild? Im not a raider there, just a friend
- Who do you know in Uberpug? Chopz, Henador, Isyl
- Why do you want to join Uberpug & Expectations? Its a friendly guild, Which is casual/hardcore, great raiding days, and i know a few faces here Smile


- During your child hood what was your favorite comic character? Batman Mofo
- What do you think about Greek People? I dont think about them lol
- Anything else we need to know? Nope


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Application Empty Re: Application

Post  envious Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:48 am



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