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Disc priest application

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Disc priest application Empty Disc priest application

Post  Taniis Sun Mar 14, 2010 2:26 pm

About You

- Your 'Real' Name: Soren
- Age: 32 (yes! I'm an old'ish fart)
- Nationality: Danish
- Location: Copenhagen
- Occupation: Working as manager in an Finance department
- Tell us a little bit about yourself: Well apart from above general information I'm living together with my Girlfriend. I have 2 passions - Sport and Wow. Currently training for a marathon. I have been playing Wow since Vanilla and loves the thrill of downing a new boss. I'm definitely the kind of player that rather spent 3 weeks learning a new encounter to get that new kill than spent night after night farming content for gear.

I'm a very social player and like to chat a lot. I gladly help/support guildmates as much as I can

About Your Character

- Character Name: Taniis
- Server: Currently on Dragonblight
- Class: Priest
- Primary Spec (Main): Disc
- Dual Spec (Off): Holy
- Professions (skill): 450 Jewelcrafter and 427 Enchanter (recently rerolled Enchanting in order to get ring enchant)
- Armory Link: (please note 2 upgrades isn't updated in above link (lvl 264 shoulders and T10 Chest to be purchased within a few days)
- Current GearScore: 5720
- What is your current /played in total and at level 80? 128 days
- Alts: have a 80 druid and a lvl 71 hunter I'm currently lvl'ing a bit. Other than that only have lower level alts never really put much efford into alt's as I have allways enjoyed my main char.

As for my spec: In Vanilla and through TBC I played as Holy. However in Wrath I changed main spec to Disc and have raided quite a bit as Disc. I have been switching between Holy/disc through Wrath depending on what was needed (also for a time played Shadow). I would say I'm just as good as Disc and as Holy but tend to like playing the disc spec more as it gives some unique challenges and opportunities.

About Your Computer

- Computer Technical Specifications: Intel Duo core (3Ghz), 1GB Nvida 8800 graphic and 8BG RAM (been running rock solid and I hardly ever have any major Latency issues)
- Microphone/Headset: Yes/yes
- Vent (3.0) Installed? Yes/No Yes
- Internet Connection Speed (mbs): 10/10 Mbs

Your Raiding Experience

Pre-TBC: I have raided since Vanilla. Though I started quite late in Vanilla with raiding thus I only cleared MC; AQ20; ZG; and up to Vael in BWL.

TBC: In TBC I cleared all content (though Mu'ru and KJ was killed after nerf). I was member of a guild called Covenant on Khadgar server which were ranked 2nd on server. And since beginning of SSC, TK and up through mid SWP I was part of almost all first kills. I then joined Anathema on Silvermoon and completed remaining of SwP.

After the initial batch of raids in Wrath (Naxx, Sart, EoE) I decided to take a raidbreak and moved my char to Dragonblight where Taniis is currently due to having RL friends playing here. I joined a casual raiding guild and cleared most of current normal mode content. As my current guild isn't really attuned for hardmodes I don't have a great deal of experience with this.

- ICC10: (??/12) 9/12 (attempted on additional 2 bosses - Bloodqueen and Sindragosa)
- ICC25:(??/12) 7/12 (with several attempts on Professor)
- TOTGC10 (Heroic): ( ?/5) 1/5
- TOTGC25 (Heroic): ( ?/5) N/A
- Ulduar10 (HardMode): (??/14) N/A
- Ulduar25 (HardMode): (??/14) N/A

Your Motivation

- Who is your current Guild? Im currently in a guild called "Raid and Not Paid" - Which is a Casual raiding guild.
- Why do/did you want to leave your current/previous Guild? My reason for wanting to leave is I miss a proper focussed raid and a guild focussed on progress. I always giving my self 110% in each raid and expect the same dedication from my fellow guild members. But in my current guild this is just not the case.
- Who do you know in Starlight? I had a brief bump into a Extas in Dragonblight server (if I'm not mistaken.. Was called Bace there! :-)).
- Why do you want to join Starlight & Expectations? I'm looking for a guild that's 110% focused during raids, having a strong focus on progress without having a 5day raid schedule. At the same time I hope to find a home where I can enjoy this great game with likeminded players. Starlight seems to be just this plus the raiding schedule suite me very well.


- During your child hood what was your favorite comic character? I hate the admit it... But I loved Tintin (and for some strange reason Tarzan)
- What do you think about Greek People? Greek are not the be trusted! - They are sneaky and will try to trick you! :-)
- Anything else we need to know? I'm fully aware that my gear (and lack of HC exp) isn't quite up to standard. Hopefully my dedication and experience/skill will somewhat make up for this.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate. And in case you need a chat with me I have alts on server.

Thanks for reading


Posts : 1
NERD Points : 3
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 0
Join date : 2010-03-14

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Disc priest application Empty Re: Disc priest application

Post  pyren Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:54 pm

Hello Taniis,

Thank you for your application but we will have to decline due to your experience and gearing being under par with our current progress.
Best of luck on your search for a raiding guild on silvermoon,


Posts : 305
NERD Points : 366
Rep with Sam's Chicken : 3
Join date : 2009-10-23
Age : 53
Location : Netherlands

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